We’ve just created a dedicated Twitter account, @LtbrngrDesigns
New designs by popular demand
After requests by customers, several new products are now available: New products of note include:
Om (top, second from right), commonly associated with certain groups of Hindus or Buddhists.
Awen (top right), Welsh symbol of poetic inspiration, often used to represent modern Druids
Gear (bottom, third from right) should appeal to a Steampunk audience or would make a great gift for someone mechanically inclined.
Skull – This was our most requested idea for a new stock image and is now available for purchase.
The Dragon and LD with crossed swords (bottom right) are examples of custom wax seal designs that are possible, including personalized monograms with or without a background symbol.
Of course all other symbols seen here are still available on the Shapeways Store, and don’t forget about sealing wax. Limited quantities of some seals are in stock for immediate shipment and a slight discount – avoid the Shapeways 14 business day building time! Inquire through the Contact page for more information.
Yin Yang Cuff Links
By special customer request, Yin Yang Cuff Links are now available. Because of the symmetry and balance of the yin yang, the symbol end is exactly the same as the signet ring and can be used for wax impressions.
Now Available: Sealing Wax
We’ve just taken delivery on a large order of sealing wax. Atelier Gargoyle is widely regarded as the highest quality wax available, made in the USA by Linnea and Ward in San Francisco. It’s much tougher than traditional sealing wax, made to survive the modern automatic postal system – I usually find it easier to rip the envelope than break the seal. The full range of colors will be available at ICON, Marcy 30-April 1 at SUNY Stonybrook (www.iconsf.org) or submit an order through our Contact page.
EDIT: See the Wax Page for pricing information.
Product samples have arrived
Look what we’ve got here:
In this photo: Shield Knot wax seal (also in the impression on the envelope), Scales of Justice (or Libra) seal, Sierpinski’s Gasket seal, Star of David signet ring, Pentagram signet ring, and Ankh signet ring. All products are available through our Shapeways Store. Check below the cut for photos of more new products. Continue reading
ICON Update
Dealer room hours have been posted for ICON:
Friday 5:30-10
Saturday 10-7
Sunday 10-5
ICON is a science fiction, science fact, fantasy, and gaming convention coming to SUNY Stonybrook March 30-April 1. There will be board, role playing, and live action games, panel discussions, movie viewings, parties and more, see full details at their website.
They have a massive dealer room every year with an assortment of geek and alternative culture merchandise that is tough to find anywhere else. Think Renaissance Faire market, plus fan collectables, reproduction movie props, working model rockets, obscure books, scifi/fantasy artwork, anime, manga, handmade jewelry, and more, plus of course, yours truly.
This will be the first time Lightbringer Designs is available in person for you to handle our products and buy right away, along with the sealing wax you will need, courtesy of Atellier Gargoyle in San Francisco.
Long Island Pen Show
We’ve just learned of the dates for the Long Island Pen Show at the last minute – March 10-11 at Hofstra University. This was an excellent show last year, with anything you could want in terms of pens, ink, and all things fine writing. This was when Harry first got turned on to the idea of wax seals after a demonstration by Ian K.
Harry will be there Saturday – look for the logo on the case he’ll be carrying around. Our first round of prototypes has just come in this week, so we’ll be able to demonstrate those.
For more info on the show, check out their website: http://www.lipenshow.com/
New Product: “Scales of Justice” Seal
Now available for all you lawyers and other legal people, a seal to show off your profession:
I’m particularly proud of my artistry on this one. It’s not obvious from a head-on view, but there is some real depth variation that will be much more obvious when you see the seal in person. The bowls of the scale literally pop out at you:
And as usual, the top of the seal has the same symbol as the impression to make getting the right orientation simple.
Available for purchase on Shapeways